Friday, October 19, 2007

And We're Off...

Welcome to the Journal of Weird Studies. I'm your host Joe Pettit Jr., and I'm a life long fan of things weird, wonderful, cosmic and terrifying. I plan to use this blog as a forum for critically discussing weird, horror, and fantasy fiction, genre films, comics and graphic novels, the occasional metaphysical tomes of both the popular and esoteric kind, fiction and nonfiction authors, music off the beaten path, weird happenings in our material world, and anything else I determine falls under this admittedly wide-ranging umbrella. Entries will range from short, off the cuff items, to longer, developed pieces.

I welcome serious and intelligent discourse and feedback. Please refrain from comments such as "crap," "bollocks," or "it's true because the lizard men from the fourth dimension told me so." The internet is overrun with illiterate, boneheaded pundits who believe they can definitively settle an argument solely with the use of an expletive. Unless you're willing to back your position in a serious, reasoned and respectful manner (which I wholeheartedly welcome), I don't want to hear it. As much as I'm a fan of fourth dimensional lizard men, I want to personally choose which crazy ramblings I read, not have them thrust upon me by someone in dire need of medication.

Thanks for reading, and I hope this will be fun for us all.

Coming soon: a discussion of 28 Weeks Later, a film I can't seem to stop grinding my critical axe against, and a look at Brian Lumley's Necroscope, the first novel in his long-running series.


derek said...

Excellent! I look forward to reading your blog. The field needs more thoughtful, serious, intelligent, and fun discourse.

Didn't like 28 WEEKS LATER, eh? Haven't seen it yet, but it's on my list to watch soon.

lynda said...


Oh, wait a second...

Seriously, I like the new digs and am looking forward to reading this. As you know, I never get to have any fun any more, ever, but I will keep my eye on things and I look forward to participating as soon as I get my head above water again.

Joe Pettit Jr. said...

Ha. And I thought Derek was going to be the first one to cry "bollocks."

derek said...

I'm too busy crying in the corner....